This is a petri dish game.   You start with a group of critters and try and evolve them to gather food.

It's more of a tweak and watch kind of game.   There are level controls to adjust speed, duration of Training Epoch,  Food supply and mutation rate. 

If the red light is on You are in training mode where a culture is run for an epoch and then the hungriest critters are removed and the least hungry are multiplied.

When not in training mode the critters run until they starve or have enough food to multiply.

It appears the machines we were using were quite speedy so I may have made the brains of the wee critters a little large.    I would recommend a relatively recent desktop machine if you are going to wind the speed slider to the max.

There are no labels on the controls (as it should be for any good mad scientist's gadget)  

From Left to Right the switches are  

 Training,  Garden, HeatMap,  Determinism.

From Left to Right the sliders control

Simulation Rate,  Epoch length, Food Rate, [disconnected], Mutation rate.

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